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About Us


For your favourite cause

O’Reilly Senior High School’s Foundation

‘The O’Reilly Senior High School’s Foundation is the brainchild of an old students’ group with shared experiences of learning and receiving formal secondary education for five years within the walls of the school, decades earlier. This group feels deeply concerned that the school of that age, close to a century old, continues to be shabbily endowed by the Ghanaian educational authorities. These individuals currently based in the diaspora, namely UK and USA feel determined to change something and if possible, in a radical manner

O’Reilly Senior High School


Active Members



Project Satisfaction 96%
Creativity 92%
Project Delivery 88%

Meet Our Trustees

Henry Nii Oblie

Henry Nii Oblie

BSc, MA Chair of the Trustees Rtd HIS Majesty' Lay Magistrate
Rtd Specialist Community Learning Disabilities Nurse.
Member, GOOD news for everyone UK (former Gideon International)

Henrietta Hesse

Henrietta Hesse

Diploma in Catering

Henrietta Teteokor Oblie

Henrietta Teteokor Oblie, RMN

Member. DITTO, Gideons
Diploma in Mental Health Studies

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Mrs Ernestine A Moore

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Phyllis Mercer

PhD (Candidate - Education)


Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life